In this era of Ecommerce, consumers expect their deliveries to be fast and their costs to be low. Then, you find running your Warehouse for Ecommerce struggling and difficult. Do not worry because you will find ways to deal with all the problems you may have encountered.
In this article, we will help you identify your warehouse’s problems and show you how to make preparations.
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- Troubleshoot your problems
Before having done anything, if you want to fix what is wrong, you’ll have to identify what problems you encounter. Some of the problems may seem small to you, but it can make major difference to your warehouse.
The first problem you may deal with is categorizing your warehouse. How many times that your warehouse managers or employess have to struggle to find the item for your order? If you revised this problem already, I would say a few times. If not, I would surely say that most of time.
This can happen to any warehouse, especially when the time of Ecommerce is becoming more and more popular. You will find it difficult to pick the order’s item among many others in your warehouse. By making your own picking strategy, you can overcome this in no time and improve your productivity. Then, you will soon find out that the system which is being used in your warehouse is overload. This also bring us to the second problem.
The second thing in our problem list is your outdated Warehouse Management System (WMS). In the era of Ecommerce, the number of orders is just increasing dramatically day by day, making your WMS struggling with the workload. In the world of high-tech, it’s important to keep your system up-to-date.
The last problem is one of the easiest ones to change, but yet to be looked into carefully. It is your equipment inside your warehouse. When your employees are looking for an item, they find it on the top shelves, or it’s way too heavy. It takes them time and effort to pick up and prepare the order.
For all of the problems mentioned above, please allow us to give you some suggestions to make things simpler for your Warehouse for Ecommerce.
- Prepare picking strategy for your orders
When it comes to making strategies, there are a few things which are easy to be applied. First thing first, you need to categorize your warehouse monthly, and make maps for each shelf. This can help save plenty of time when your warehouse managers or employees don’t have to dig up the whole place.
The next method you should consider is using cluster-picking strategy. This means that a single picker will collect multiple orders, and he/she will go into the warehouse to pick the items. This method can help decrease the time to process each order, rather than just deal with them individually.

- Upgrade your Warehouse Management System (WMS)
Keeping your WMS updated is one way to make your work run more smoothly. It can not only speed up the time of your processing orders, but also show your items’ positions. As a result, it can create a path for picking multiple items, making your picker and cluster-picking strategy work more effectively.
Moreover, upgrading your WMS can also increase your work flow. Each order will be processed much quicker without any lag or loading time. It can relate to the system’s software or its physical hardware.
- Get the right equipment for your Warehouse for Ecommerce
This final advice should not be forgotten when you have made all the above changes to your warehouse. Carts, tablets, ladders and forklift trucks will make things a lot easier for your warehouse to operate. It also help maintain any safety regulation in the workplace as no meaningless effort is needed such as climbing the shelves or carrying heavy packages.

Remember, this era of Ecommerce requires operating time to be less as consumers want their orders to show up at their doorstep as soon as possible. Therefore, keeping your processing time and delivery low is one of the essentials to keep pace with the market.
Long Hau Company
Industrial park in VietNam